This is my story


New Member
Started when I was young,  and it took over my life , I tried so many times to get it rid of it exercise , interact with friends or play video games to stop myself from porn... but it will always resurface and will still take control of me.. I am 21 years of age and I want to become a detective one day but I feel porn is stopping me and I don't know what to do

I feel so down,  loss and depressed when I am with friends I fake smile and fake laugh all the time because I don't want them to know I am depressed or that i have a dangerous addiction to...

What can I do ????


Well-Known Member
Man, this addiction is very hard to deal with. A lot of us have been in your position. Perhaps start by reading up on the addiction as much as you can is a good start. Information will help you to quit, and most likely when you manage to lower the addiction you will start to feel better.