ideas on how to make the bedroom more fun


Respected Member
Ok I know this probably sounds stupid but I am really needing advise. My husband and I are at a pace where both of us are wanting to have sex again......badly. He is pretty far into his reboot ( well over 70 days) and so far he is still not working regularly. Most of the time when he can't get hard to he makes sure that I have an O anyway but I feel like its super one sided then. I don't want to just be laying there and not reciprocating in any way. Any ideas on how to help him feel something even if he can't get an erection? This might sound like a silly question but it actually is really bothering me. Maybe some of you ladies or even men if anyone has any ideas I'm totally open to suggestions, lol. And laying there making out forever is getting old. Sorry but it is, lol. I know that makes me sound mean but I'm just being honest.


Good question!
I think it would depend on what kind of person you and he are,
for example: i'm quite a slob, but i prefer peace and calm at night
My wife on the other hand needs the bedroom to be clean and organised, but loves to watch TV in bed and use her cellphone
So we compromise, i keep the room clean, clean sheets, she turns her cellphone down and the tv on a soft music station.

Breakfast in bed for the both of you on a free saturday morning can be a good starter too, it creates a relaxed atmosphere

(Ps. Make breakfast together, its more fun)


Respected Member
Rebootrapp,  I have never heard of those but I will have to check them out! Thanks.

FTL,  Breakfast in bed is less sexy when the kids hear and then you have split coffee and a bed full of kids. The giggles the come with are fun but not quite in the way I'm hoping for, lol. But good suggestion and thank you!

Anyone else with ideas?? Keep em coming! And thanks again. I think this is a great and positive conversation on how we as partners and please and support each other not just emotionally but physically too!


Active Member
We have had some pretty good (before the kids wake up, camp morningwood)  experiences. It takes some planning and effort but is worth it.


Active Member
If your love making is about intimacy and not intensity (PA's and sometimes wives as well actually exchange intensity for intimacy) it shouldn't get old. Really feeling that your partner is there and invested in you builds your intimate life in a huge way. When you feel not only a physical but emotional connection, when you are making love , it's incredible. The most "boring" and basic sex can be mind blowing. For me and hubby, sex was often boring before this crap all came out. But now I know why. He wasn't really there, barely. I never realized it could be different till now. Especially if we have a real good talk before being together, it can at times be better then it ever has been. Sometimes it starts to get that boring feeling again and then I realie that something's up. We're not
Connecting. Sometimes it's me and I don't even realize it till it gets "boring". Then I try and look into how I'm feeling. Usually I'm feeling distant and maybe cold towards him as well. Then I know it's time for a good talk. We talk , I feel better and it's back to amazing sex. :)