
New Member
Hello, please help me sort through the conflictual evidence on this topic, ie. "Should one NEVER ejaculate" or even infrequently. I have encountered so much conflictual evidence from mainstream science and new age sources that I don't know what to think! Some sources(typically mainstream science) claim that prostate cancer is the result of infrequent/non ejaculation. New age says godlike power for non-ejaculation. Whats to believe?    :-[


Well-Known Member
This is a good question and one that I would like to know the answer to as well.

One thought, in Chinese Taoist practices, rather than talk about non-ejaculation, they talk about "injaculation", whereby the semen is still produced at orgasm, but enters into the blood stream rather than leaving the body. Perhaps this is the crucial point, orgasm is healthy preventing prostate cancer, but ensuring the semen enters the blood stream rather than it leaving the body is healthier.

On the flip side, I have heard that male ejaculation during sex provides women with health benefits, but of course then you run the risk of pregnancy which you might not want at the time.

Anyway, some more definitive answers from others would be welcome by me as well. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So some more thoughts on this. I Googled "ejaculation prostate cancer" to see what the actual research was.

Apparently, there is a largish study (32,000 men over an 18 year period) that shows a correlation between frequency of ejaculation and lower risk of prostate cancer.

However, correlations prove nothing about cause and effect, they can even just be coincidences.

There is no robust theory as to why frequency of ejaculation should lead to lower risk of prostate cancer, and apparently there is even at least one smaller study that shows the reverse.

Age may also be a factor that was not tested for in the large study mentioned.

There are also differences between ejaculating when having sex and when masturbating that have not been studied.

So the answer as to whether frequency of ejaculation leads to lower prostate cancer risk is far from proven.

On the other hand, if it is true, one theory is that it flushes out harmful chemicals in the semen, which would cast doubt on my "injaculation" theory maybe.

The Taoist theory of injaculation is based on the idea that semen takes a lot of energy to produce, so keeping that energy within the body to be reasorbed should help to stop energy depletion. However, the concept of energy is used in a manner that may or may not be interpreted within the so called Western scienific framework, so to some extent it depends on which framework you buy into as to whether you have faith in the theory.

Further, I have read another possible explanation for the root of the Taoist practice being as a means of birth control, which was important to the upper classes who were concerned about heirs and so forth. This obviously has nothing to do with individual health.

None of this says anything about mental health, which as we all know, is one of the main reasons many of us are using this site.

So I still don't know the answer to these questions, other's knowledge or thoughts are welcome.

Thank you.


New Member
Thanks for your response. I have read Mantak Chia and Samael Aun Weor both of whom are occultists and claim the benefit of "cerebrating the semen and inseminating the cerebrum". It does seem to make one rather 'retarded' when he ejaculates but whether this is a result of burning out the brain-stress axis (neural circuitry) or depletion of vital fluid is uncertain. I agree that the physical material of semen is a crystallization of energy(bioenergy) and that depleting it depletes ones stores but food adds to the store so the general question still remains an open one, viz: to ejaculate or not to ejaculate. Personal experimentation led to decreased energy levels and retention led to increase of vitality there a 'bourgeois compromise' or happy medium to prevent the alleged prostate cancer and to maximized vitality. I believe Aristotle of Plato advised something along these lines, the 'aura mediocritas' of sexual health. Not ejaculating after two weeks has always produced a discoloured and congealed semen which I can't equate with health. The verdict is still out and in a way almost calls into question the validity of this forum as it is the central issue. Any thoughts? :-[


they studied prostate cancer mortality among catholic priests to determine celibate lifestyle effect on prostate cancer and it showed they are healthier and significantly less likely to die from prostate cancer and all other cancers in general. wow, what a surprise.............. yes a lot of priests vows to celibate lifestyle, poverty and obedience. if prostate cancer was caused by not ejaculating, this study would not show LESS prostate cancer among 6000+ catholic priests that are hell of a lot more likely to not ejaculate at all or at least do it much less frequently compared to fellow citizens.

not ejaculating never caused me any problems. on the other hand, ejaculating caused me and is still causing me great deal of misery mentally, physically and emotionally.

whats the point of this topic? if someone thinks long reboot is gonna get them prostate cancer.......... they better get scanned for brain cancer.

this whole idea of prostate cancer looks like a potential excuse to MO. MOing is lonely activity and it gives effortless and instant gratification. that is like porn use, that is opposite of rewiring. it leads back to porn use and if you fantasize, it is porn use in itself. so whats the deal here? you have no rewiring partner, you are not jerking, not having any wet dreams, OH SHIT PROSTATE CANCER LETS JERK OFF (maybe accidentally think of that girl you really like or ex girlfriend...) ... dumb, but that looks like it. not ejaculating = increased chance for prostate cancer, looks like subtle brain game to leave some door open that you should close and throw a key away.



New Member
I was thinking the same and am aware of the speciousness of reason. However after a longterm(even only two weeks) of not ejaculating there was a gel-like yellowish effluent which does not suggest anything healthy to me. Also there are many religious fanatics in the world and maybe their fanaticism is a result of self abuse through not fulfilling normal and natural biological function? Maybe this is one of the reasons for paedophilia...and if so they are still 'getting off' only in a perverse way. Thoughts on the biological necessity of ejaculation outside of the specious psychological angle? You seem a bit angry...perhaps that is because of not fulfilling biologcal needs(ejaculation)? Just a thought for me the topic is still open to debate and not adeqautely answered. If we observe the monkeys in their primitive state they are constantly engaged in sexual licence. Of course we are not monkeys but I doubt any of them avoid ejaculation save to prolong pleasure.