

New Member
Alright, so here's me.
Just to give an insight to my sexual life: I've had sex with two girls, about maybe 10-12 times in total, and haven't ejaculated once. I can last fairly long, but no matter how much I try, I just can't ejaculate. Watching porn makes me ejaculate just fine.

What I can rule out so far is the "deathgrip" (spanking the monkey too hard), problems with condoms and erectile dysfunction.

Is this problem porn related? Help me, Reboot Nation!


Active Member
Can you ejaculate without porn, using just your hand and no porn imaginations etc? If not, then your problem is most likely porn.


The problem is porn.. Most pleasurable at this stage. It become a part of the mind consume memory and thought process.
I always wonder how mind prepare us for a solo time..

Psyc Ops

Some call it anorgasmia, some call it delayed ejaculation.  I hate both terms.  It is inability to cum during sex, but total ability to cum using porn.
You have "sensitized" you brain to prefer reaching O with porn over reaching O with sex.  It happens.  You need to start studying the basics, and one of the most basic concepts to comprehend is that if porn caused no problems in our lives, we would not quit it.  If you want to reach O with sex, you are going to have to desensitize to porn and re-sensitize to sex, which, translates:  no more porn.  That is going to suck for you my friend, but that is the answer to your question.  The point of the exercise is to retrain your brain to give a neuorological reward for sex that you have trained it to give with porn.  Yep.  You trained yourself to get it that way.  Not consciously, but, you did.  Time to get conscious. 