You see? Want to help?


New Member
Hey guys. I am serious. Look at the username I picked.

It does not matter.

How can I get help? I never will.


New Member
Ok cool. I'll try to quit this time. If I'm very smart I can do it but if I'm an idiot and look everywhere I'll see something disgusting that will lead me to something disgusting.

Don't listen to those experts who say the ####****ting is healthy. How good you feel while doing it is how bad you feel after.



md said:
We're all victims man. Thing is even if we knew what we know now we'd probably still get reeled into it. That's the power of this beast. High speed internet porn is destroying peoples brains all over the world whether they realize it or not. It is the worst drug on the planet because it hits all the same areas real drugs do and the major reason is the accessibility. It's basically being thrown at us from every angle and direction.. Is this by design? Is this something God has allowed to make us dependent on him?? I think so, because my experience is that no human will power is enough. Will power alone only gets us so far. I think there is a spiritual aspect to this that many people are overlooking..

Words of wisdom, my man. I like it. Let me talk a little bit about a case: I can call myself an alcoholic. I am not yet in that phase of hardcore, chronic alcoholism but I abused alcohol a lot to call it a big problem. Now, my uncle died an alcoholic. He was 40. My grandfather died an alcoholic. He was 60 something. I knew this all the time and I've still become an alcoholic myself. I knew alcohol had killed two members of my family but nothing stopped me from drinking my brains out. Can you see what I'm saying? Sometimes information is not enough for some people. Some people know the risks yet they still fall into the trap. The same with porn. Another thing with porn is that porn doesn't really kill. Alcohol kills but you can't tell to that teenager that he will die one day because of porn. And maybe he would say: "If porn doesn't kill, what's your problem?" I knew alcohol killed but I still drank. It was that voice in my mind telling me: "I won't become like them. They did something wrong. I'm different." 10 years later I saw myself abusing alcohol and it took me that long to finally say I had to stop before I become like my uncle. This is my 11th day sober. Sometimes we think we are the shit and that we know everything, that we have all the answers and we will not become like them because we know what should be done. And then we see it's not really like that. However, this is only half of the coin. On the other hand, if we could save 1 guy out of 10 through information, this is still better than nothing. Information is the key here. It needs to be spread everywhere, preferably in schools with sexual education classes. I support this but I don't have any power to start something like that. I wish I were that guy who came to my high school when I was in the last year and had "Sexual education" classes. I would've brought up the theory behind porn addiction with pictures of the brain.


Active Member
Like in all areas of life, I believe that it is impossible to succeed until you refuse to be a victim any longer. We all suffer from our addictions greatly. I'm currently suffering through some rough stuff myself. You will fail infinitely before achieving success. My advice to you is this: Learn everything you can. Each time you relapse into porn use, treat it as a learning experience first and a defeat second. Research what is happening to your brain and commit it to memory. Talk to others on this forum. These are good people who are suffering just like you and they want you to succeed just as they themselves want to succeed. It may take months or even years to fix, but you can achieve sobriety. I believe in you. We all do.